Friday, October 2, 2009

Most recent appointment info

Wednesday we traveled back to the hospital for a scheduled appointment, but I did bring my packed bag in case Dr. K decided to check me back in for some reason.  I was hoping that my cervix would still be stable since I had not had too many contractions since being released, except for that one session of 8.  The Terb pump seems to be doing it's job, knock on wood.  I am also dealing with the side effects better and some have diminished, except for the elevated blood pressure.  I am afraid that is the thing that might do us in now, but hopefully it'll settle down too. 

This appointment we had our first Biophysical Profiles for the babies since the previous week we were in the hospital.  We did not do the Non-Stress Test portion of the BPP because they had done well on that everyday they were tested in the hospital.  Of course, the babies were awake the whole 1.5 ride to the appointment and then decided they would nap during the ultrasound! Baby C was the most cooperative of the trio and showed off his "breathing" skills right away.  He also passed the other portions, and received an 8 out of 8 on the BPP! His siblings did not show the practice breathing, although Baby B did hiccup for a bit.  Unfortunately, we did not catch him doing that for a full 30 seconds, so it didn't count.  I think our ultrasound tech jumped back and forth too much and may have missed the beginning of the hiccups! They did receive points for everything else, so they scored 6 out of 8.  Technically a score of 6 or less would mean another BPP within 24 hours, but our doctor said that would be out of 10 points.  He doesn't seem too concerned that they didn't get those other 2 points because they did so well on everything else, and they had done well during the NST in the hospital.  He decided he wants to see us Monday though to repeat the test and to keep an eye on my blood pressure.  I am fine with going twice a week-it will help my nervousness about being home. 

I have now officially gained almost 50 pounds (going by pre-IVF weight), and I am really starting to feel it.  It is much more difficult to get out of bed or the couch to use the bathroom.  I am also more easily winded when I do move around.  I think, and hope, that the babies are growing rapidly now based on how quickly my belly has been growing. I have very few clothes, shirts specifically, that still fit.  Everything is too short, so my belly hangs out all the time! I have pretty much given up on actually caring about it though!

Dr. K decided that we should pick a c-section date, so he decided on November 4th.  The look on my face caused him to ask, "What, you don't think you'll make it that far?" I am skeptical, to say the least.  While I would love to keep them in until 35 weeks, I just don't see how my body can continue to hold out that long.  I am grateful we did not have many complications up until last week, but I feel like the issues are starting to pile up and get in line for their turn on us.  At this point, I am really looking at 32 weeks as my main goal and it is still 12 days away.  I will be so excited if we get there, and each day after that will be a bonus in my mind.  I am extra cautious about getting my hopes up of going longer than that, so we'll take it one day at a time.  Even if we don't make it to 32 weeks, at least the steroid shots are in and the babies were estimated at weights between 3 and 3.4 pounds a week ago.  If they are following the rule of .5 pound a week, we are close or past the crucial weight milestone-thanks Carrie for reminding me of that one!

Thanks so much to all of our family and friends that are supporting us right now-physically and emotionally.  We could not get through this without all of your help and well wishes! These babies are blessed to have such wonderful people rooting for them as they get ready to enter this world.


  1. Those BPP's can be tricky! Whenever the babies are awake on the way there, I know we'll have to bug them to see some breathing. They all sound SOOO strong and healthy!

    I am hoping your blood pressure settles down, too, but am SO glad you've got the steroids in you now. Those are going to be some awesome babies, and I cannot wait for you to meet them. 35 weeks does seem far away, but anything after 32 is just bonus, right? ;)

    Hang in there!!

  2. So happy things are going well...thanks for keeping the blog updated....Good luck at appointment tomorrow...Nov. 5th would be nice...but I would be thinking as you week at a time!
