Tuesday, September 15, 2009

28 weeks and a long vent-you've been warned!

We made it!!! 28 weeks and counting; let's hope for a few more weeks now! I have been counting down to this day for so long, it feels odd that it has actually arrived.  I am relieved, but know that we aren't out of the woods yet.  I have still been feeling pretty good lately, although it is getting more difficult to move around.  It is especially tricky to get off the couch and roll over or get out of bed during the night.  I usually end up having a contraction after moving, so I am trying to move without using my abdominal muscles (which is pretty tough-try it)! Since taking more Prilosec my acid reflux has calmed down a bit, thank goodness! After a night time episode my throat is sore though.  Hopefully I won't have any permanent damage from it!

While I am so happy that we are at 28 weeks, I wasn't able to enjoy it as much as I had hoped.  As most of you know, I am on bed rest and not able to work.  Currently I am receiving a paycheck, but I don't have too many paid days off.  So, I am stressing out about certain issues concerning extra paid time off that my workplace has and how to qualify for that benefit.  Along with that, I am worrying about how we are going to pay our bills when my paid time runs out.  We made the mistake of calling one of our credit card companies to see if we could lower our interest rate and told them our situation, including that we might have a difficult time paying that bill in a few months. Keep in mind we haven't used that card in over 6 months and have been paying more than the minimum on time for quite a long time (I was one of those stupid college kids who signed up for a credit card on campus and used it way too much for way too long).  So, they said there was nothing they could do to help us except waive the $15 fee they charge to talk to someone about issues.  Later in the day, I was trying to figure out a budget and signed on to check the interest rate of that card and noticed that they lowered out credit limit to within a few hundred dollars of what we owed.  I called this morning and asked about the situation and the man basically told me that they did that because they considered us a risk-nevermind all the payments we make! I was not happy and after a few more comments back and forth I told him we wanted to close the account because I didn't want to do business with a company that treats their long time customers like this. By the way,  they didn't waive that fee either! I am so glad the government gave them money.  Apparently they forgot that not so long ago they needed help themselves-so much for helping out the customer. So, needless to say, I had a few contractions this morning!

Sorry for that long vent-gotta get it out somewhere. Unfortunately, it looks like I will be returning to work at least part time, but more likely full time this year.  While I miss being at school and working with students and staff, I really felt like it would be better for our family if I stayed home this year.  It just doesn't seem possible at this time, especially with the financial needs of three babies looming over our heads.  These are the times that I get most frustrated about both of us having student loans from college, along with car payments and credit card bills. We were able to defer 2 out of our 3 student loan payments (still working on that last one), and that will save us over $400 a month-that'll buy some diapers! So going back to keep us financially afloat is fine, but I have to be extra cautious about germs (kindergarten students are not known for their good hand washing skills).  We are also going to be putting a strain on our families to help care for these babies, so I feel guilty about that too. 

All in all, I can't wait to meet these little additions to our family, and I know everything will be alright (in the words of Bob Marley).  I just hate not being able to plan everything out and see visually that we'll get through this.  I guess I'll just have to believe in my heart that it'll work out. 

Next appointment is Thursday! I am going to do everything in my power to not stress out tomorrow or Thursday morning-I know the stress can't be good for them in there.  And we are now reaching for the mini-goal of 30 and big goal of 32 weeks.  It does seem to be going a little faster now! We should meet our babies within about 7 weeks now! All this will be so worth it when we have them in our arms.  Thanks for letting me vent-I feel better now!


  1. VENT AWAY! This is an exciting time and WOOT WOOT for 28 weeks, but also full of stress, uncertainty and change. A recipe for anxiety. Please vent to us, that is why we are here.

    I am sure that your family feels blessed not burdened to help care for your sweet babies! You will do whatever you need to do to give them the best life, all around, you can and that is wonderful. They are already SO loved!!

    By the way, did I say HAPPY 28 weeks yet? YOU MADE IT!!! This is the most important goal and you are so close to meeting your darlings- my c-section is scheduled for 41 days from now! I can't wait!!

  2. Agreed, woot woot.

    Apparently Julie is following this and I decided to give it a read.

    chin up and rock on.

    that is all.

    Love, Sven
