Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Close, yet so far away

26 weeks today!!! Two weeks until the safer zone! I cannot wait for that day! The other day, Brad and I were talking about when we can start putting some of these things away (and *gasp* actually take things out of the packages they came in). I said anytime after September 15th would be fine, but in the back of my mind I was still a little worried. There are no guarantees in life, especially not with a triplet pregnancy.  I just can't wait to start thinking about the future with these little ones and not be thinking what if. I think I will have to make myself a countdown chart today because we really are so close to where I want to be.  2 weeks to a little safer, 6 weeks until much safer, 9 weeks until the end! Really not so far, but it takes forever to get there! I really appreciate everything our families and friends have been doing for us while I am permenantly indenting the couch.  They have been cleaning, cooking, and shopping for us, among other things.  They have been great, but I am looking forward to the day I can do things for myself again. Sometimes I look around and think, "I can just clean that really fast, and then lay back down," but I am usually kicked by a little one right then! They are good at reminding me why I am doing all this-for them. This will come in handy for guilt trips when high school rolls around! :)

Tomorrow afternoon is our next appointment, yea! I have not heard about my GD test from last week, so hopefully that means I passed it. I am not sure what else they are doing-biophysical profile or non-stress test maybe. I am hoping he is going to measure my cervix too! Our little girl has been kicking down low the past couple days-it feels like she is trying to escape! They have been much more active the last few days, which is comforting. I would take constant kicking over quiet belly any day!

I have to turn in my computer on Thursday so my sub can use it while I am gone. My lifeline! My parents were thinking about buying a laptop in the future, so they are going to buy one now and let me use it until the babies come. They're awesome! We have a desktop, but it's in the basement-too many stairs! I know I won't really have much time to sit around and be on a laptop once the babies are here, so it'll work out nicely to borrow theirs for a couple months. They aren't sure when they will get it (it's out of stock), so I may not be able to update for a little while.  I will definitely update tomorrow night though to fill everyone in on the appointment details. Fingers and toes crossed please!

1 comment:

  1. What an awesome family! We are very blessed with help! I am quite glad you'll have a lap top- we cannot have you incommunicado, can we?

    Happy 26 weeks, friend! We ARE getting so close, and while I totally get the terror that things will turn south, you are doing GREAT and will sail past 28 and into the 30's! Won't that feel amazing?

    Much love and good wishes at your appointment!!
