I apologize to those of you who check this on Wednesdays and Thursdays looking for appointment info for not posting sooner. I was a bit tired after the day, so chose sleep over blogging! We had a good appointment, but there a lot of waiting for our ultrasound since 2 doctors were in the office yesterday. My mother-in-law drove me to the appointment and was able to see the babies with ultrasound for the first time. Then, our ride home took awhile since it was rush hour. We did stop and get some dinner on the way home though-yum!
Here's the weekly info-I did gain weight, but nobody needs to know how much I actually weigh! :) I am now measuring 44 cm, which would be equal to the number of weeks for normal pregnant women. My blood pressure is still good too. Cervix is still high and closed-yea! He doesn't measure it on ultrasound anymore, so I don't know if it has shortened, but I'll take a closed cervix anyday! The ultrasound was good too, although the babies are definitely starting to run out of stretching room now! They were all pretty calm and gave us some nice profile shots for the pictures. They all had a good amount of fluid and the membrane between the boys was moving nicely (which means that baby C has enough fluid and he isn't Saran Wrapped into is area). Dr. K came in and checked everything for himself, although he did make my MIL nervous because he was so quiet while looking at the babies. It is getting more difficult to tell who is who in there! He was starting with baby A and then moving up to find B and C. At one point the had all their heads together-like a football huddle. I fear they are already plotting against us! :) So, while Dr. K was following heads to find bodies, he was really quiet. While Brad and I know that is how our doctor is when he is looking at the ultrasound, my MIL did not and was worried that something was wrong. Luckily, he spoke up in a little bit and said that everything looks good. I asked Dr. K about getting my regular flu shot and he said if they aren't in at his office at my next appointment, I should just go somewhere local to get it sooner. I still didn't get a clear answer on the H1N1 shot-just that the CDC and other organizations are recommending it. I couldn't get him to say that he recommends it, only that usually 1 out of 5 of their patients refuse to get the regular flu shot. Brad would really prefer that I not get it and I am still thinking that it would probably be better to wait until after the babies are born. I am not in public areas, except when I go to the doctor and I am obsessive about hand washing and using hand sanitizer while I am there. We talked about how we are happy that we made it to 28 weeks and how complications go down dramatically now. He did say to not get cocky and be cautiously optomistic like we have been up to this point. I then asked about touring the NICU and he said that we may not need to worry about the NICU. I joked, "Now who's being cocky?!" While I would love to avoid the NICU, I would rather be prepared because I have the feeling we'll still be visiting our babies there for a little bit at least. I am going to have a consult with the anesthesiologist because of the risks of surgery with myotonic dystrophy, so we decided that we'll set up our tour for that same day.
Next week is our big appointment with another growth scan and biophysical profiles. I am excited and nervous to see how much they have grown-hopefully a lot! I will be 29 weeks on Tuesday and it feels like things are speeding up now, thankfully. I think this weekend we are going to be putting together another crib, (actually, Brad will be doing that), and taking some gifts out of their packages. I have to continue to work on thank you cards for my co-workers since Brad's co-workers are doing a shower for us next Friday. I am hoping to be allowed to go, but it will depend on how Thursday's appointment goes.
Thanks for everyone's support and assistance again-we really appreciate our families and friends for everything they are doing to help us through this! I can't wait until our hopefully healthy babies are here and then they can help with them too! :)
YAY! Sounds like another wonderful appointment! I pray that things continue just as well for you.
ReplyDeleteAll great news once again! Things are going great for you... grow babies grow!