Today's appointment went pretty well, and it was a long one! I had to drink the super sweet orange drink for the gestational diabetes test as soon as I got there. It was so sweet it burned the back of my throat! I am hoping it comes back okay because I would really like to avoid the three hour test! Then a quick weight and blood pressure check. I gained a good amount of weight-yea! Not too many people are happy about gaining weight every week, but I know it's super important to pack it on now before I am unable to eat a lot. I did try to eat more this week and it was difficult, so I am sure as I grow it'll get worse. I did not ask about my fundal height, so I'll have to get that info next week. The nurse did say that she could see where they were all laying by looking at my belly-mostly on my left side. I guess that's why I haven't been feeling as much kicking in my upper right area!
We had to wait for a while before our ultrasound because earlier in the morning one of their machines was not working. Finally, they called us back. I always hold my breath when they scan over and check where all the babies are. I think it goes back to the beginning when you first start seeing the heartbeat-I am still looking for that heartbeat and movement. So our little girl is still hanging out on the bottom, but kind of tucked away in the bottom right corner now. Baby B is hanging out in the middle to left and Baby C is way over on my left side. I had to scoot over closer to the ultrasound tech when she did measurements for him because he was so far on that side. That explains all the kicking when I lay on my left side all day! Now for the details.
Baby A, our girl, weighs about 1 lb 15 oz. She was fairly cooperative during all the measurements, but was curled up a lot of the time. We saw her moving her eyeball around a few times and she opened her mouth-I see a trend here since she did that a couple times now!
Baby B, twin boy, is the one with all the fluid. The fluid level was actually under 8 again this week, and we are hoping it stays there! He weighs about 1 lb 11 oz. now. He was moving a lot, which is typical for him. He likes to stretch out in all his fluid. I hope he enjoys it while he can since they are losing space quickly in there! He is our boy with the 2 vessel cord, but he had adequate growth too. He had his arm up by his face a lot during this ultrasound, so hopefully next week he'll be a little less shy!
Baby C, other twin boy, usually has a lot less fluid than his brother. They measured it around 5 this time too, so again we are hoping it stays there and doesn't go down. He weighs about 1 lb 12 oz. It's really good that he is about the same size as his brother. He was facing away from us during the ultrasound, but she was able to get most of the measurements. He is the one I feel the most during the mornings right after I eat breakfast, but he was a bit calmer towards the end of the ultrasound.
I love being able to see them once a week, although it's not always in this amount of detail. I know I've said it before, but I would be a wreck if I didn't get to see them so much. It's just reassuring to know they are all okay in there! It helps calm my nerves a lot, at least until around Sunday! Next week I think we start the Biophysical Profiles or the Non-stress tests, so that'll be interesting.
Our doctor was really pleased with their growth and where we are at for 25 weeks. My cervix is still long and closed, but I think the measurement was a little under 3 (it was hard to see the screen for that one). He seemed happy with that though. Dr. K was actually pretty funny today, but he is usually goofier when Brad is with me at appointments-must be a guy thing! He mentioned that someone from the show, A Baby Story, called him looking for patients with multiples. He asked if we would be interested. Now, Brad and I are not usually the type that would enjoy sharing our lives with complete strangers on T.V., but we didn't say no-yet. We said that we would like some more details and find out if we get any compensation. Keep in mind I am not going to be getting paid for the entire time I am off from work! We'll see. We probably won't end up doing it, but it would be nice to have the footage of the birth since otherwise we won't see anything. Dr. K didn't seem like he really wanted to do it, but said he would if we wanted to.
So less than 3 weeks until our next goal of 28 weeks! I hope it goes by quickly!! After that, we will aim for 32 weeks. I found out today that our doctor is going to Las Vegas during my 30th week, so I am telling the babies that week is not a choice!! So, let's hope for quick and cooler days (I love Fall and can't wait until summer is over)! Thanks for reading and checking in on our lives-we appreciate all your support and prayers! One of these days I will venture down to the basement so I can post some pictures of the babies and of my ever-growing belly (stretch marks and all)!
By the way-I seemed to have lost my spellcheck button on this screen, so I apologize for any typos!
YAY for healthy babies!! Congrats on the great appointment, I hope they continue to go so well.
ReplyDeleteHi there. I love your blog. I am in Florida and pregnant with triplets as well. I am 17 weeks and doing good so far. Looks like you doing excellent. Nice report today. Email something :)
ReplyDelete-Lacy (
Great job BABIES!! I am so glad the fluid continues to be more even- what a relief. I hold my breath at the beginning, too, and when they measure fluid and my cervix. You are doing so great, and like you said, we've only got three weeks until a HUGE sigh of relief comes. I cannot wait for that day. :)
ReplyDeleteWow on the TLC show! That is really cool- especially if it means you can put something in the college fund, right?
Big hugs!