Thursday, September 10, 2009

Cross another one off the list!

We had another appointment this morning and it went pretty well again (knock on wood).  I was a bit worried because Brad did not park on the level I always park on in the parking garage-hey, can you blame me for being paranoid and wanting to avoid jinxing anything?! I honestly don't know how he puts up with me and my craziness sometimes!

The ultrasound tech first check all the fluid levels for the babies, and of course, she measured our twins as having levels in the 7 range.  While I knew that was not correct, I have given up trying to convince them that baby C should be lower because baby B's pocket goes on top of C's.  Our doctor always checks the levels for himself, so I usually just wait for him to tell us everything is good.  I used to be able to tell if the levels were in the normal ranges by looking at the screen during the scan, but it is more difficult to tell now that the babies are bigger.

The tech also did Dopplers on the umbilical cords to make sure the flow was good.  I thought it was going to be quick, like usual, because the babies were pretty calm during the fluid checks.  Apparently, they decided it was play time though-everytime she had a cord in the view on the screen, he/she would move.  So, the tech became good at chasing them around! I thought they would have worn themselves out on the way to our appointment because they were moving so much-I think they have started teaching each other karate moves in there! Brad was able to see my belly move and see kicks when he would look over!  The cord flow was normal for everyone-yea!

Good fluid levels, good cord flow, on to the exam room for more checks! Well, my belly is now measuring a whopping 43 cm, which equates to 43 weeks! Yes folks, I am going for a record.  I didn't really gain much weight though, so it seems the babies are taking everything and making my belly grow! The boys were hanging out on the left side today, so I look a bit lopsided!

Dr. K came in to check my cervix and go over everything.  We were joking around and he decided to wait to make fun of me until after checking my cervix-I appreciated his professionalism! :) Cervix is still closed, so the lovely contractions still haven't changed anything-whew, hopefully that'll continue! I asked about the flu shot and mentioned that would prefer to not have the swine flu shot, mainly because I think they are trying to push it through a bit too fast and not fully test the impact of it.  He said that the major medical organizations are recommending both shots, but that usually 1 in 5 women don't get flu shots.  He didn't really answer my question, so next week I will ask if they will give me the regular flu shot there or if I have to get it somewhere else.  My wicked acid reflux is back in full force, and he gave me the go ahead to keep taking Prilosec instead of stopping after the 2 week dose.  Hopefully it'll work because I am sometimes afraid to eat at night, even though I am hungry because I don't want to wake up choking on stomach acid!

We set up more appointments and are now scheduled through mid October-33 weeks! I really hope we can make it that long! I am really looking forward to 28 weeks right now and then 32 weeks after that.  I am looking forward to cooler weather, seeing leaves falling onto the ground, and seeing all the birds migrate south.  All of these things mean we will be in a safer zone, ready to meet our babies!!  In the meantime, we will be dealing with Brad's insurance (why don't they ever cover anything???), setting up things in the nursery and items for the downstairs, and writing thank you notes.  Thanks for all your support and well wishes-we need all the help we can get right now to keep us all going!!

By the way, still can't find that darn spell check button, so I apologize for typos!!


  1. YAY!!! Sounds like your appointment went wonderful and those babies are continuing to grow and mature as they need to be. I pray that things continue and you do make a record of it, lol. I can't imagine a 43w belly.. mine's already feeling huge and at last measure it was 30w, lol.

  2. Wonderful news all around! I am so glad the twins are sharing and your cervix remains closed! You are a good baby-growing machine. That reflux sounds awful... thank goodness you can stay on the meds so you can still eat. Poor thing!

    I got the flu shot today and they were pushing for the H1N1 but I am not sure about that one either... so we'll see.

    Happy almost-28!

  3. Great news and ur almost at that 28 week mark!! Woo-hoo! Keep resting and cooking those babies!

    -Lacy FL

  4. Hey Bethany!

    I'm glad things continue to go well. I can't imaging your discomfort with the reflux but like you said, it'll all be worth it.

    Keep up the good work!
    Julie J

  5. Woo hoo! Terrific news, now go on and get plenty of rest!!
