Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Can't we speed this ride up somehow??

Today's appointment went pretty well, especially for being 24 weeks. My cervix is holding well around the same as it has been, which pleased my doctor. He was a bit worried about funneling, but it held pretty strong. Luckily, my contractions have stayed at 3 or less during my monitoring which I hope continues. He said that if I came into the hospital in labor, they would want me to have less than 4 an hour before they would send me home. I am hoping I won't have to be on medication or in for monitoring, but I assume it will happen eventually.

The babies all had good heartbeats and were stretching out a bit during the ultrasound. Baby A and B are both hanging out on the right side of me (which might explain the stretch marks I have on that side of my belly). Baby C is still over on the left. Baby A still has normal fluid levels; our little one that follows the rules and expectations-for now! The largest pocket for Baby B was in the 7 range, but close to 8. That means it did not get worse!! She measured Baby C in the 5-6 range, but I am pretty sure she did not measure from the membrane again. I tried to play stupid so she would measure again, but no such luck. When the doctor came in, I mentioned that it seemed like Baby B's fluid had gone down a bit. He said that it was really hard to measure the twins because of how thin the membrane is. I am still happy that it has not gotten any worse, even if the measurements aren't perfect.

I am still measuring 40 weeks and have actually lost a pound. So it looks like I will be eating as much as I can this week. I think part of my problem is that I am afraid to eat later in the evening because of heartburn and acid reflux. I guess I will just try to eat more during the day! My doctor didn't seem too worried about it at this point, but I will try to stuff as much in as I can.

I asked him what our ultimate goal is still and he is still going for 35 weeks. He said if we make it to that point, then he'll schedule a C-section. That seems so far away, but close at the same time! 11 weeks more weeks is all I have to do, but it isn't until the first week of November. Being on bed rest does not make the days go by any faster either! I just keep thinking about the cooler weather coming and how they'll be here soon. In a few months we will have babies in this world for everyone to enjoy, not just me feeling them everyday. It might be a little hard to give that up, but I can't wait for them to be here and be healthy. Brad is not so optimistic about me making it to 35 weeks because of the amount of complaining I have done the past week. I was having some ligament pain, which made it harder to move around. I am sure I will be doing a lot of complaining about being uncomfortable and worried for the remainder of this pregnancy. I think I did pretty darn good about not complaining too much up to this point though! I wish we could trade places for a day-then he would understand more of where I am coming from I think. He has really been great about doing things for me and around the house though-I couldn't ask for anyone better to go through this with!

I think Google should be illegal for pregnant women-who would like to sign my petition?? I was pulling up some information I had saved about Myotonic Dystrophy to give to my doctor and came across some scary info. Apparently, polyhydramnios is almost always present when the congenital form of DM is going on with pregnancy. Even though we did PGD, it has come out that identical twins do not always have identical DNA due to mutations and extra copies. So, I totally freaked myself out last night looking for information on statistics, but couldn't find much. I mentioned it to Dr. K today and he said it would be a very small chance of having one twin with the congenital form; that their DNA is usually the same or very similar. He believes that the fluid difference is due to the TTTS more than anything else. I am praying that he is right. We went through so much to have healthy babies; I would feel like we failed our babies if one ends up with the disease. He is moving a lot though, which would not fit the fetal symptoms of congential DM. So, for now I will try to put that out of my mind and pray for equal levels each week!

Next Thursday is our growth scan and my gestational diabetes test. I can't wait to see how big they really are at this point-it will make it a lot more real again when we talk weight estimates! I hope I pass the GD test because I don't know how I would restrict my foods and still be able to eat enough to gain weight!

Keep thinking good thoughts and thanks for all your support! We are blessed to have such wonderful family and friends in our lives.


  1. Bethany! Great news all around. This week has been good for us two, (or us 8?) hasn't it? I hope you don't end up on meds too but really I haven't had too many complaints aside from the Terb. I'd rather be on meds and stay home longer, you know?

    I feel exactly the same way as you about a few things: yes, Google should be banned for us, I wish it went faster, but resting makes it go slower, and you are also right about the time: it seems so far away, but 10-11 weeks isn't that far now! My mom looked at me (I was worrying about my cervix) and she said, "I wish they could sedate you until delivery!" Which I think might be nice, right?

    I am so glad the twins are sharing their fluid. No change is AWESOME news. Tell your cervix that it is very impressive and to keep it up. :)

    Big hugs! Cannot wait to hear how big your three have grown.

  2. I found your site through Carrie's blog. I hope you're doing well. I did IVF with ICSI in February and found out March 12th that we're pregnant! After 4 years of trying, that's the news we wanted to hear. We're now 27.5 weeks with our ONE son. We did transfer 2, 3 day old embryo's and tried freezing the leftover 6, 4 made it successfully. I certainly hope all is going well with you and hope you make it to your goal of 35 weeks! I'm due (with my singleton) November 18th.
