Tuesday, August 25, 2009

25 Weeks

Today is 25 weeks and one week closer to our goal!! Our ultimate goal is still 28 weeks-35 weeks. So, 3-10 weeks and we will be parents (hopefully 5 weeks or more). Sometimes it seems so close and other times it seems sooo far away! I can't wait until I can be a bit more excited instead of scared of them coming too soon.

My belly button hurts again!!! It hurt a lot a while back when I first started showing and then it felt better. The last 2 days I can't even brush up against it (which happens often since I seem to forget that I have a big belly now), without being in pain. I am hoping that means that I am just growing quickly and that the babies are going through a growth spurt! Wishful thinking, I know.

I will update again on Thursday or Friday, depending on how tired I am when we get back from our appointment. I get pretty worn out now on my weekly outing! Brad is going with me this week since it is our growth scan appointment. Fingers and toes crossed on Thursday please!!! :)


  1. 25 weeks! WOO HOO! Only three more until the big sigh comes out. :) Not long, right? It sure feels like it sometimes.

    Sorry about the hurty belly button. I am guessing it is a growing uterus and someone has their cute little feet or hands by it, pushing on it.

    Cannot wait to hear about the babies' growth and how well you are doing on Thursday. I love your updates, and have all appendages crossed for you and the kids. :) Thank you SO much for all the support you send my way. You make me feel much less crazy. ;)

  2. WOO HOO for 25 weeks! It'll pass before you know it! I hit 28 weeks tomorrow and honestly when you look back, it's crazy how fast it does pass.

    I'm with you on the hurt belly button, too. It's sticking halfway up and continuously rubs on my shirt which is awefully irritating.

    I'll be keeping you and your little ones in my thoughts and crossing my fingers for the time to fly for both you AND Carrie!
