Saturday, July 25, 2009

Quick Update

The appointment last Thursday went pretty well. They all had adequate amniotic fluid, although baby B still has more than baby C. As long as they are all within the normal range, it's good news. Cervix is still long and closed, another good thing. I apparently "popped" and am a bit bigger than I was last week. My doctor even commented that I had grown when he put the u/s goo on my belly. My appointment the week before I was measuring 32 weeks and this week I measured 35 weeks! Quite the growth spurt! I have noticed that I am having a more difficult time walking around and getting up off the couch/out of bed. I am trying to drink enough water during the day-my goal is at least 125, but it is pretty difficult!

I believe I have been feeling baby C moving around, but I am still not sure of the things I feel. I have been having some tightening in areas of my belly more often too. My doctor said that I should go in for evaluation anytime the don't go away after an hour. Lovely pre-term labor scariness to keep me nervous from here on out! I am paranoid and will continue to be for a few more weeks. I will feel a little better around 25 weeks when they are a bit more viable, but can't wait for the 28 weeks milestone. But I'm sure by then I will find something else to worry about!

Wednesday is our big appointment where they will do the growth scan. It will be a good sign if they are all close to each other in weights and growth since our last growth scan. Fingers and toes crossed!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bethany! Thanks for stopping by my blog- YES we sure do have similar stories! Two embryos into triplets and due around the same time! SO FUN!

    I am hoping your twins continue to share their placenta nicely, and stay even in fluid. I am always worried about TTTS, too but it is relatively rare.

    How far along are you? I am technically due on December 6th, but my C-section will hopefully be at the end of October. Hope you are feeling as good as you can... cannot wait to hear about the appointment tomorrow!!

