Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Okay, I am dealing as well as I can with the discomforts of pregnancy. I feel so blessed to finally be pregnant, but I feel so guilty when complaining about things. It's almost like I feel like I am going to jinx the whole thing. I figure if I can get it out in one place, then I can move on and be grateful for these little inconveniences in order to have 3 healthy babies.

Holy Heartburn-Actually I should call it acid reflux. I have never had either of these issues my entire life, so I didn't know how awful it was! I think I slept one night during the past two weeks without waking up choking on stomach acid. It's hard to eat enough food for the babies and me, but stop three hours before bed? I am starving if I wait that long!

Moving-I can't get up without making noises now. I used to laugh at people who grunted and exhaled loudly while trying to get up or sit down. I completely understand now! Even rolling out of bed is a struggle. Poor Brad gets woken up all night for my bathroom breaks because I am so loud!

Weight-At times I don't feel like I am gaining enough weight quickly enough, at least according to my Dr. Luke book. I was all bloated at the end of our IVF cycle, so I am not really sure what my weight was before that. But going by my retrieval weight, I have gained 20 pounds. I figure I was up at least five pounds from the meds, so I am estimating my total weight gain at 25 pounds at 20 weeks pregnant. I think the babies are just stealing everything from me at this point. I don't know how some women in that book gain 70-80 pounds!

Swelling-I am at the point now that if I am up walking around too much, my hands swell up. I already had to buy a fake ring for $13 a few weeks ago. I think I am going to end up needing an even bigger size!

Sleeping-I have always been a back sleeper, while occasionally rolling over to a side. I now surround myself by two body pillows and tuck them under me to prevent rolling onto my back. I have to say, I fall asleep well enough, but when I get up I feel like I have broken my shoulders and hips!

Hormones-This is worse than junior high! I am happy one second and crying the next. I cry at ASPCA commercials, at the Michael Jackson memorial, and during news stories. I am also quick to be snippy. I owe Brad a lot for putting up with me!

Okay, I think that is it. I feel better now. I realize going through these things are only for a great cause-I will put up with anything as long as these babies come out healthy! I have another appointment tomorrow and am hoping it is as good as it was last week! Grow and share amongst each other babies!!! I'll post tomorrow's appointment results. Hopefully I will figure out how to post some pictures on here too!

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