We went to visit our new doctor on May 4. I was really nervous (and my blood pressure showed it) and anxious. Brad and I had decided against selective reduction. It had taken so much to get to this point. I truly believe things happen for a reason, so I couldn't get past the idea that we were given this opportunity for a good reason. I was prepared to fight the doctor on this, but didn't need to. The nurse asked if we were interested in SE and I said no. That was it.
We had another ultrasound (that's 4 if you're keeping track). Already more ultrasounds than most women have for their entire pregnancy! I was 9 weeks at that point. They could not tell if the identical twins were in one sac or in their own. We could not see a membrane yet, so that was concern. We met with the doctor after the u/s. We discussed the possible complications in a triplet pregnancy. We knew we would deliver before my December 8 due date. He said that while the average is 32 weeks, usually his goal is to get women to 35 weeks. That seemed so far away at that point. We also talked about the possibility of twin to twin transfusion syndrome. Even though he didn't see a membrane, his gut feeling was that there was a membrane. So, new things for me to worry about! I was feeling really good at this point besides being exhausted and always hungry! I didn't have any morning sickness, so that was good! We were sent on our way and would come back in 2 weeks.
Our next visit showed that the babies were growing well-they actually started to resemble people at this point! Baby B showed it's face-something that would continue to happen for the next few ultrasounds. Baby A (in it's own sac and placenta), showed off how much space it had in there by doing a few flips. Baby C was pretty calm that time. Blood pressure was lower and weight was up. Everything was good!
Two weeks later, another visit. We opted for the nuchal translucency measurement test since it was non-invasive. Since it was such a long u/s, the tech ended up taking tons of pictures for us! Baby A was calm this time, except for waving at us! Baby B showed us that it is practicing sucking it's thumb. Baby C was in a picture perfect profile, but then decided it was shy and rolled over. Test came back within the normal range-relief! We also saw a more definitive picture of the membrane separating the twins. That made me feel much better too! Everything went so well at this visit, my doctor decided he didn't need to see me for another 3 weeks. I didn't know if I could wait that long, but went along with the plan. First trimester was now over and we were in a safer zone.
We had another ultrasound (that's 4 if you're keeping track). Already more ultrasounds than most women have for their entire pregnancy! I was 9 weeks at that point. They could not tell if the identical twins were in one sac or in their own. We could not see a membrane yet, so that was concern. We met with the doctor after the u/s. We discussed the possible complications in a triplet pregnancy. We knew we would deliver before my December 8 due date. He said that while the average is 32 weeks, usually his goal is to get women to 35 weeks. That seemed so far away at that point. We also talked about the possibility of twin to twin transfusion syndrome. Even though he didn't see a membrane, his gut feeling was that there was a membrane. So, new things for me to worry about! I was feeling really good at this point besides being exhausted and always hungry! I didn't have any morning sickness, so that was good! We were sent on our way and would come back in 2 weeks.
Our next visit showed that the babies were growing well-they actually started to resemble people at this point! Baby B showed it's face-something that would continue to happen for the next few ultrasounds. Baby A (in it's own sac and placenta), showed off how much space it had in there by doing a few flips. Baby C was pretty calm that time. Blood pressure was lower and weight was up. Everything was good!
Two weeks later, another visit. We opted for the nuchal translucency measurement test since it was non-invasive. Since it was such a long u/s, the tech ended up taking tons of pictures for us! Baby A was calm this time, except for waving at us! Baby B showed us that it is practicing sucking it's thumb. Baby C was in a picture perfect profile, but then decided it was shy and rolled over. Test came back within the normal range-relief! We also saw a more definitive picture of the membrane separating the twins. That made me feel much better too! Everything went so well at this visit, my doctor decided he didn't need to see me for another 3 weeks. I didn't know if I could wait that long, but went along with the plan. First trimester was now over and we were in a safer zone.
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