Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Finally, it comes crashing down

I was so happy to not have any complications up to this point. I knew we would encounter problems, but I was hoping it would happen a bit later. My stats were all good at the 18 week 2 day visit. This was our first growth scan, so I was a bit worried going into this appointment. Baby A was great-she was getting bigger and moving around well. She is laying low across my belly-blocking the exit! Baby B had also grown a lot. I believe he was about 9 ounces. Baby C was measuring about 10 ounces. They all had 4 chamber hearts, each has 2 kidneys, stomachs measured well.

Two issues: Baby B has a 2 vessel cord instead of the usual 3 vessels. Our doctor wasn't really concerned with that at this point. He is growing well and had decent blood flow, so we are hoping it doesn't mean much. Sometimes, a 2 vessel cord can indicate a structural abnormality or a chromosomal abnormality. During this scan though, Baby B seemed to have normal structures, especially in the heart and kidneys. Our doctor said that sometimes it just happens, and it occurs more often in twins.

The second issue is more serious. Our doctor said that it looked like Baby C has less fluid than Baby B at this point. He is pretty concerned with the possibility of twin to twin transfusion syndrome now. We have not been officially diagnosed yet. The good thing is that both are measuring about the same right now, but that we will have to constantly monitor things from here on out. If it gets worse, we would really have 2 options-to reduce the fluid in Baby B's sac or go have laser surgery to separate the blood vessels on the placenta. Both ideas scare the crap out of me and I was pretty upset the whole ride home. I had looked at TTTS a little bit, but I was hoping we wouldn't have to deal with it so I didn't learn too much about it. When we got home I hopped on the internet to learn more. Ignorance is bliss, but knowledge is power. I found that a lot of people have had success with upping their protein intake and going on bedrest. My doctor just wants me to rest for a few hours, a few times a day. I have been a vegetarian on and off (couldn't give up pepperoni) since high school. I decided I would at least start drinking high protein Ensure and Boost drinks, along with protein powder shakes. Anything I could do to help hold off the TTTS! I took it really easy that week and weekend too. I will be going to the doctor every week now to monitor the fluid levels and to check my cervix. It'll be a long 7 days to wait all the time!

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