Wednesday, October 7, 2009

31 Weeks

Tuesday marked 31 weeks of our pregnancy! I am hoping that we make it to 32-I keep telling the babies that it is so close, just stay in there for one more week!

We had another appointment on Monday for BPP because they didn't all pass last week.  Baby A and B were stubborn and didn't feel like showing us their practice breathing.  Also, my doctor wants to keep an eye on my blood pressure, which has increased since being on the Terb. pump.  I ate some sugary cereal and a Fruit Roll-up right before going in, hoping that would help the babies move around more! Well, it worked because all three were moving around and "breathing" within 30 minutes! Baby C was holding out this time on the breathing, but as soon as the ultrasound tech asked him to breathe, he did! I told her she could come babysit anytime since he listened so well to her!

Gained a few more pounds (I'm really packing it on now!), blood pressure was a little elevated, and cervix is still the same.  It was a different doctor that I hadn't met yet, but he said he doesn't think it is 50% effaced and it still has a lot of length to it.  So, even though I am dialated to 1, hopefully the fact that I have a lot of length left will help us eek out a few more days.  This doctor seemed confident that I will make it to 32 weeks and beyond, but then joked that he probably just jinxed me and I'll end up in the hospital again. Thanks! He may be right though.  I had only been having minimal contractions last week, but this week they have started picking up again.  I am hoping that they relax again, but would feel better if they could up my dose. I am pretty sure that is out of the question with my blood pressure though.  He didn't seem too concerned with my blood pressure and said that I only have a trace amount of protein in my urine, so they aren't worried about pre-eclampsia right now.

The doctor I saw on Monday said that if I went back into the hospital for pre-term labor, he doesn't know how much they would do to stop it.  At this gestational age, depending on the situation, they may just decide to deliver the babies. Scary! I want so badly to make it to at least 32 weeks, I don't want to think about having them out yet! I was a bit more active than I should have been over the weekend with folding clothes and helping to organize the closet-yes, I had to label shelves and drawers.  I have scolded myself and have been doing real bed rest up in our bedroom for the past 2 days.  All the other things can wait until after we have the babies.  Brad has gotten a lot of things done, so that makes me feel a bit better.  My mom has been my "room service" person, bringing me breakfast and lunch.  Over the weekend I opened up all the bedding and blankets, so she has been doing a loads of laundry to help us out too.  I just can't wait until I can get up and do all these things myself, but hopefully it won't be too soon!

We have another appointment tomorrow morning for BPP and to check me out, so hopefully everything is still stable.  I have been bringing a packed bag to my appointments though, just in case. I have to get a doctor's note so I can get a regular flu shot-they say they want pregnant women to get the shot, but won't give you one without a note! So, hopefully everything will be uneventful tomorrow and the babies will show off again for us! I will try to be better about posting, but usually no news is good news in my world. 

1 comment:

  1. YAY for making it another week! It sounds like the babies are doing just fine and I'm sure they'll stay in there for a few more weeks. I'm venturing to guess they'll stay in till 34 weeks. Wouldn't that be wonderful?!
