Monday, March 29, 2010

Where Has the Time Gone?

     So the babies are 5.5 months old and I am trying to figure out how we got here so quickly. It seems like they were just coming home from the hospital, but my upcoming return to work reminds me that they are already almost half way to their first birthday! They have grown so much, and so quickly, I am already a bit sad that so many stages are over.  These will be the only babies we have, so I am trying to memorize every moment-and am taking tons of pictures to help me remember these days.  It's going to be much more difficult than I expected to return to teaching.  I would love to be able to stay home and teach these guys, but unfortunately we need my salary-as little as it is!  Luckily our families are able to babysit for us!

     We were able to get one more Synagis shot for each of the boys, and Chubby, (a.k.a. Chub Chub, Lauren), was able to get what was left over).  We were battling our insurance company because they were over three months old and born at 32 weeks, so supposedly they didn't need any more RSV protection. Although we gave up that battle, our doctor's office was able to help us out-love them! So, by getting another shot, they are protected a bit more for when I go back to work next week.  And we were able to get their weights, which we had a little bet on-of course, I won! Our big boy Logan weighed in at 15.1, Sam at 14.6, and Lauren at 13.11.  It's crazy how big they are getting!

     They have slept through the night a couple times, but usually go about 8 hours and then wake up to be fed.  I can't wait until they sleep straight through, although this is much better than the 4 hours we were getting a few months ago! They all sleep in their cribs now at night and we are working on napping up there too.  The boys will usually only nap for about an hour in there though, so hopefully that'll stretch out longer soon. 

     Sam was our first one to roll over from his tummy to his back, but his new favorite is rolling across the floor since he learned how to get from his back to his tummy.  He also loves to look at me when I put him in his crib, smile, and then roll onto his tummy.  Then we play the game where I put him onto his back and he continues to roll over until he wears himself out and gives up.  I am a little annoyed with this game! :)  He is our least vocal one, but when he is really happy we'll get some cooing out of him!

     Lauren, however, is our loudest talker of the bunch-I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that she is a girl!?  She will screech, coo, and make every noise under the sun, especially when we copy the sounds back to her.  She is also our biggest drooler and loves to suck on her fingers-not her thumb, but fingers.  And it is usually at least 2 fingers at a time! She is also the best at grabbing onto the toys on the exersaucers and jumperoos.  She doesn't really bounce in those things-just grabs and spins everything on the top.  She has a recent obsession with her feet that is actually causing her to scratch herself.  She pulls on the bottoms of her pants to see her feet/socks/shoes better, but in the process she scratches her bare legs! It looks like she has been attacked by a cat.  We will probably have to cut her nails everyday now!  She does not really show much interest in rolling over and sometimes seems to have less strength than the boys-except she loves to stand!

     Logan is our all around average baby.  He can roll over both ways now, but needs to put more effort into than Sam right now.  He has started vocalizing more now, but not as much as Lauren.  He loves to jump in one of our jumperoos and will bounce himself to sleep if we don't take him out in time! He is hilarious to watch in there-he actually doesn't lift his legs, he just rolls forward on his toes and throws himself backwards over and over.  The jumperoo is starting to make squeaking noises from over use! He also loves to suck on his hand, but more the top of his hand instead of his fingers or thumb.

     All three are great at grabbing things and are getting better at putting things into their mouths.  They are constantly drooling, all over their clothes and causing them to get rashes on their hands.  They are very smiley in the mornings and can be pretty crabby in the evenings-I think we need better naps! We are still trying to get the hang of eating cereal, but they seem like they might get the hang of it soon, hopefully!

     Next month we go to the cardiologist to check all the murmurs (PDA, PFO) and to the developmental clinic at the hospital to check in on their progress.  I will try to post an update then. 

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